Anyone Who Is 100% Sure

Some people look for assuredness. In a leader, in a collaborator, in a parent. They look for people who say, “I know the answer.”

I say, anyone who is 100% sure they know the answer is someone that I can’t 100% trust.

I know that might make me seem weak or indecisive as a leader, a collaborator, a parent. I know that some people want unquestioned confidence.

But I am more likely to say, “I’m not sure but let’s try this.” I’m more likely to say, “I’m pretty sure that this is the right direction, but I want to hear your idea, too.”

I say it in my rehearsals. I say it in my academic teaching and in my private lessons.

Because it’s the truth. The world isn’t binary, and I know that I don’t know all the answers. If you acknowledge that in your own leading, teaching, parenting, collaborating, interacting…then I’m that much more likely to trust, follow, and collaborate with you.