Advocacy Monday #3

It’s Monday! That means taking a minute to advocate for music education.

This one will be slightly harder [deep breath] but it’s worth it! It’ll still take you less than an hour.

Your assignment this week is to create a yearly roundup article for your local paper.

Title it Your School Choirs Hit High Notes Last School Year

Write 250 words of narrative about the successes of your choirs this school year. Did you travel? Sing at festival? Produce a musical? Sing at a tree lighting? Present lots of concerts? Have a student do something cool? Put it in the article.

Don’t write in the first person. Pretend you’re a reporter writing the article, not yourself.

Do include quotes! Even quote yourself.

Aces Director Jed Scott said, “Our sixteenth year was amazing – we release a new album and put on our biggest concert yet!”

Don’t forget pictures.

Do remember that the local paper appreciates this. They are looking for good news articles about your community, and providing this helps them.

Do make sure that any mention of students falls within the parameters set by your school district.

Find a contact email for your local paper and send it on in. (A school district administrative assistant can probably help. Or someone in the athletic office…)

Chances are, in a week or two you’ll see your choirs in the paper, all over town.

Better save that article to your Cloud Drive, too. You might need it again.