Advocacy Monday #2

It’s Monday! That means taking a minute to advocate for music education.

Don’t wait for a big bill to be before your state legislature that will impact education funding and specifically music education funding. Write your representatives today telling them about the impact of music education.

Here’s one place to find your representatives.

And here’s a sample note:

Dear Representative,

I am writing to you as the proud director of school choirs at Your School. In my day-to-day work, I teach students about history, music literacy, language, logic, leadership, collaboration, emotion and so much more. I work seven days a week to produce concerts, plan trips, and do everything I can to support the education of my students.

In my time, I have seen students see and support friends in need; I have seen students who had never left the state sing in St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican; I have seen student use the lessons of choir in a broad range of careers; I have seen the impact that music education has on educating the whole child and preparing them for a productive life in society.

As decisions about education and specifically music education cross your desk, I urge you to remember this note and think of the impact and meaning that I and my colleagues bring to countless students every day.