A Third Done

This is the last day of first trimester finals at my school.

Quick math…that means that the 2016-17 school year is 1/3 over.

Yes, that’s right – the first third of your year is behind you. (Of course, December is still December, and choir teachers are permitted to count it twice, it’s so busy.)

Reflect on what you’ve accomplished thus far. Where are you on your personal and group goals for the year? What is the next third going to look like? I have a timetable in my mind that looks like this:

1/3 Develop

1/3 Enhance

1/3 Perform

We are to the enhancement portion of the year – your ensembles are roughly set, but you have the opportunity now to turn on the gas and really enhance the skills, musicality, and cohesiveness of your ensembles.

Take advantage of this little milestone to survey the terrain, adjust course if necessary, and head into the next third with renewed purpose.