2022 Roundup: Music and Other Media

Every year I’m excited to do a roundup of the favorite recordings that either came out, or were first heard by me, that year. In addition to audio recordings, I’m including a few other types of recordings – films, shows, and live performances that stuck with me.

Recorded Music

Is it really possible that I listened to no new music this year? Well, not entirely – I first listened to Encanto this year, and certainly many new things crossed my transom along the way. But there are no albums that came out this year that made it into my regular circulation. I’m looking forward to a year of new releases that I’m very excited about. (Hello, Säje!)

Live Music

I attended two concerts this year that really moved me.

First, a showing of “The Princess Bride” with the score played by the Grand Rapids Symphony. To be honest, the live orchestral performance vastly exceeds the original soundtrack, which uses 1980s synthesizers in lieu of an actual orchestra. Watching and enjoying the live music with my son Julian was a particular highlight.

Second, Jacob Collier live at the Majestic in Detroit in May. Our entire family attended his Djesse Vol. 3 tour in Detroit and made a weekend of it, visiting a favorite bookstore, and catching up with a friend from our years in Detroit. Suffice it to say, Jacob and band exceeded expectations, creating an overwhelming musical feast with six musicians and a capable team supporting them. While I don’t always want to listen to his music for pleasure (it can be assaulting in its density), I think it was impossible to attend his concert and not leave full of love for what he’s trying to do with his music.

Movies & Shows

Encanto. Lin-Manuel’s music is great, the story is beautiful, and we may or may not have played it a couple dozen times around our house this year.

Ted Lasso. It remains excellent. It’s a better show about collaborative music making than Whiplash. (Just as Whiplash is a more traditional sports film than Ted Lasso is.


This is the audio media I spent the most time with this year. These are the podcasts I recommend most frequently.

Dear Hank and John: They make me laugh, care about the right things, and just generally are working hard to make the world a little better. Monday morning walks are always Hank & John time.

Dare To Lead: Brené Brown continues to have interesting and important conversations about leadership. Here’s a good one to start with, in conversation with Simon Sinek and Adam Grant. What’s Happening At Work (Part 1).

Unlocking Us: Brené Brown’s other podcast is more relationship focused rather than leadership focused, and it’s just as powerful and important. Here’s the first part of a fabulous conversation with Drs. John & Julie Schwartz Gottman on The Love Prescription.

Working It Out With Mike Birbiglia: It’s a fantastic conversation about the creative process. Unusually, it actually includes some creative work – Birbiglia is often workshopping and developing jokes with his guests. Listen to this conversation with Ira Glass.

Other favorite podcasts include The Moment With Brian Koppelman, 99 Percent Invisible, RadioLab, Scoring Notes, The Happiness Lab, Poetry Unbound, Design Matters With Debbie Millman, and On Being. (Which is coming back in January after a long hiatus!)