Why Patronage?

Why did I choose to experiment with the Patreon direct-patronage model?

First, I think the model is really good. Working for a patron when patronage was prevalent in the Baroque and Classical eras correlates with some really remarkable music being written. Moving away from the single commission model can light the way towards open-ended creativity.

Second, I am interested in more direct interaction with the community that I serve, and who responds to the work I create. By supporting artists on Patreon artists myself, I’ve found myself more genuinely connected to the artist, more invested in their creation, and able to offer some small level of support or even input in their creative arc.

Third, I think that the artists who created Patreon – particularly Jack Conte – understand artists and have lovingly crafted a platform that supports artists. Whether or not I find myself a niche in that world, I’m excited to swim in that ocean and learn more about how it works and feels.

If you’re interested in joining me on Patreon, click here!