Why Do You Sing?

The first question I want to ask each of my singers when we get started this August is this:

Why do you sing?

It will be a part of the one-on-one meetings I have with each of them at our retreat, alongside personal goal-setting and general conversation about our year together.

I’m so interested in the responses – because I know that by the time a student gets to high school choir, and makes the sacrifices it takes to stay registered for four years of an elective music class, they must have some serious intention.

I think we’ll have varied responses – childhood experiences, personal narratives, family traditions, career goals – even in a smaller ensemble. Sharing them (anonymously) with the group will help them to understand a little more about the motivations and backgrounds of their fellow singers.

But most of all I’m just curious: I know why I sing, but do I know why you sing?

Why do you sing?