Why Am I Doing This?!

Any big project worth doing – anything that is going to in small and large ways put a dent into your universe – comes with a window of time I think of as the “Why Am I Doing This?! Zone.”

It’s a given that you will spend some time in that zone. Non-negotiable. Whether it’s having a baby, planning an international concert tour, taking a new job, or just cleaning out the basement, you can anticipate spending some time in the Why Am I Doing This Zone.

The bad news is, knowing that you’ll spend time in the Zone doesn’t lessen the amount of time you’ll spend there. You can’t avoid it.

The good news is, you won’t stay there, and as long as you don’t quit while in the Zone (and most of these projects have high barriers to quitting), you’ll eventually leave the Zone and enter more pleasant areas. Like Italy, for example.

Don’t fret: it’s temporary. Just keep moving forward and you’ll be fine.