Who The Premiere is For

I can go on at length about the value of commissioning, and I have.

But at the premiere, we should zoom in from the big picture of commissioning, and focus on who the premiere is for.

The premiere is for:

  • The performers who have worked so hard to prepare the new work.
  • The audience who have come to hear it.
  • The composer, whether or not she is in the audience, to honor her work.
  • The commissioning group or individual, who have paid to make the piece possible.

Except for the last, this is exactly the same list as for every other piece on your concert.

Sometimes, when I talk too much about the importance of commissioning and premiering new works, my singers can get weighed down by the heaviness of the mission. It’s important to remember that, in the end, your goals are the same for this piece as for any other.