What Did You Learn?

We wrap up courses with examinations, to determine what students have learned. What I want to know, though, is what they think they learned.

What would it look like to take your exam time, or a class period at the end the year, or a final rehearsal, or voice lesson, and ask, “what did you learn?”

We spent hours and hours together. We discovered together, we learned from one another and by making and recognizing mistakes. We grew, for sure. What did we learn?

When you look back with fresh eyes on the year that is wrapping up, what stands out to you? What will you always carry with you? It could be a huge life lessons or a bit of ephemera. But I know it’s different than what I think you learned, and I know it will be strikingly different for every single student.

Such a simple question, with so much opportunity for profound discovery and reflection.

What did you learn?