Welcome to choir. You can expect to…
- Make music every day.
- Learn to speak and read music.
- Strive for artistry.
- Express deep emotions in public. (Don’t worry, you’ll be in a group.)
- Fail on your way to success.
- Get a solo (maybe).
- Not get a solo you want (likely).
- Sing music that fills your soul.
- Sing music that doesn’t move you (and sing it well, anyway).
- Dance if the music wants it.
- Be still and focused if the music needs it.
- Go places. (like Carnegie Hall!)
- Learn to trust the people around you.
- Discover personal responsibility.
- Learn the value of practice.
- Develop habits that you can apply to every class & learning opportunity.
- Gain music skills that will serve you throughout your life.
And most importantly…SING!