Upside/Downside of Retreats

The overarching purpose of a choir retreat is to supercharge the year. Supercharge the relationships, the group dynamics, and of course the music.

The upside: a well-planned retreat can definitely supercharge all of those things! You will reap the benefits of your weekend together for months.

The downside: a well-planned retreat can supercharge all of those things! The first rehearsal post-retreat inevitably see a decrease in focus, as your students go from acquaintances to friends. This transition means they’re far more likely to socialize in rehearsal, and even the most motivated groups will have to re-learn their focus.

For me, the upsides of a retreat are totally worth this cost, and I never fail to smile at the lost time in rehearsal, knowing that it’s the price we pay together. (And knowing it’s a temporary loss.)