Unless Someone Like You

Unless someone like you
cares a whole awful lot,
nothing is going to get better.
It’s not.

From The Lorax by Dr. Seuss

This is true for just about anything.

If you want anything to get better, someone has to care a whole awful lot.

Not a lot. Not an awful lot. a whole awful lot.

And it’s not a hero that will make the choir sound better, make the school environment healthier, fix the environmental problems in your town. It’s someone like you. The changes I’ve made in the world came because I saw a need and cared to make the change happen. Even then, those changes came hard.

You can’t solve all the problems – because you don’t have time to care a whole awful lot about every problem. But you can pick your topic or topics, and then focus on making them better.

Care. A whole awful lot. And then dig in. You.