Three Quick Tips

How do you help students take a Cabaret/Lounge-style solo to the next level?

I watched a student rehearse with a big band yesterday, and offered these three tips. I share them because I find them to be near-universal in applicability.

  1. Plant your feet. You don’t need to feel glued to the ground, but start by correcting to that.
  2. Remember your shoulders move. I see a lot of young singers whose only arm movement happens at the elbow, which appears fused to the rib cage. Allowing should movement really frees physical expression.
  3. Own the stage. The singers who pioneered this repertoire – think Rat Pack, like Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin – had oversized presence and confidence bordering on aggressive. Young singers often tend to physically apologize for their performance, even when good. So counterbalance by owning the stage and taking control of your space.