There’s Always A Rainbow

Pride Month doesn’t belong to me. It belongs to the brave LGBTQ community members who are standing up for their rights and the rights of each other. It belongs to the leaders who’ve been around since before Stonewall and the youths who haven’t even come out yet.

But Pride doesn’t belong to June, either. When I saw this rainbow out of my backyard tonight, I was reminded – there’s always a rainbow somewhere.

There are always people grappling with the challenges of blossoming into a truer version of themselves. There are always struggles, chances to stand up, places to be an ally.

Just as African-American history doesn’t belong only in February and Women’s History isn’t only a March thing, Pride belongs year-round. There’s always a rainbow.

So here I am, affirming myself as an ally, a supporter, a listener, and a nonjudgmental shoulder. Not just in June.

There’s always a rainbow.