The Worst Quote

Louis Armstrong was wise, funny, brilliant. A leader, an innovator, and a consummate performer.

And when asked how to define jazz, he famously replied, “Man, if you gotta ask, you’ll never know.”

I can’t overstate enough how much this hinders the reach of jazz, particularly in the choral world. Because I really think that many vocal music educators believe him.

We are perfectly capable of understanding how to interpret jazz at an intellectual level. Just as we can learn Baroque performance practice from books or experts, or just by singing and listening to enough quality Baroque music.

Louis Armstrong was giving the best definition he could, perhaps, of a difficult concept. But the fact that so many believe it’s the only answer is just one more reason that this amazing art music hasn’t more thoroughly been incorporated into secondary and collegiate music programs.

Listen: if you’ve “gotta ask,” it’s because it’s a good question. Let someone help you find an answer that you can use and pass on to others.