The Week Before

The week before school starts is always a tenuous time. Then there’s 2020.

The week before is about trying to balance the first-day jitters and the prep work with the desire to squeeze every last bit of joy from the summer.

The week before is about looking around and saying, “Where did the summer go?”

The week before is about taking deep breaths before diving into the deep end of the pool.

Then there’s 2020.

The week before is about wondering, “How much more bodily risk am I taking on?”

The week before is about wondering, “What is the right choice for my kids? In-person/Virtual/Home School/UnSchool?”

The week before is about reading about PPE, perusing FAQs about new COVID-19 policies, and trying to figure out how to teach and learn in this new paradigm.

This coming week is the week before for me. I expect it is for you, too. Or next week, or last week. In any case, I’m glad we’re doing it together.