The Rehearsal As Sacred Time

In this classic instructional video from Phil Mattson, the main topic I’ve always gravitated to is the one with the heading “The Rehearsal as Sacred Time.”

As Phil says, “the goal of the rehearsal is to learn to serve the music….without attitude of respect and the spirit of servanthood, one won’t get very far artistically.” (~5:45)

This sort of egoless approach to music in rehearsal is all-encompassing and all-demanding…as both director and student we have to be brave enough to set aside ego and give the music what it requires. It is daunting.

Personally, I find the hardest is to balance the demands of doing justice to the music with the desire to honor the individuals in the room just as deeply. It’s a constant balancing act and one I don’t think anyone can quite perfect. We’re always leaning too hard towards one or the other. (See also: Which do you love more?)