The First Crêpe

I was reminded tonight of this classic bit of cooking wisdom: the first crêpe never comes out. (Actually, in my case it was more like the first four crêpes….)

The reason probably has to do with the metal of the pan getting to the right temperature and sufficiently covered with a thin layer of fat – the butter from the first failed crêpe stays in the pan and keeps the next ones from sticking. But that’s not the point.

The point is, it’s a good truth for life, isn’t it? Even when you do everything perfectly, things aren’t always going to come out right the first time. You might do every motion exactly the same, and still the results won’t be consistent.

When you fail, give yourself a break. You might not have done anything wrong – it might just be you getting that first crêpe out of the way so you can continue on to many more successes.

Of course, even a failed crêpe tastes delicious with chocolate-hazelnut spread!