The Cherry Hung With Snow

On my morning walks this week, there’s one piece on a loop in my head.

It’s the cherry blossoms around every corner that call to mind the timeless A.E. Housman poem, “Loveliest of Trees.” And I love the version I was lucky enough to commission for the Rockford Aces from the brilliant composer Jeremy Fox.

That opening melody! It sings in my head – with those rich sonorities to match!

I write this to say:

  1. Commission music! The blessings last long beyond the premiere.
  2. Program this piece for your TTBB choirs!
  3. Commission Jeremy Fox to write music for you!
  4. Take a walk and appreciate the beauty of spring!

That’s especially true since, as Housman notes:

And since to look at things in bloom
Fifty springs are little room,
About the woodlands I will go
To see the cherry hung with snow.

A.E. Housman