Teachers’ Superpower

Teachers have many superpowers. This is one of their most special.

A great teacher has the power to understand a subject deeply and still see it like the beginners they work with. They can help novices navigate through challenges, because they can see it as novices, and can anticipate the pitfalls.

They know the rules that govern the subject. They know the “secret rules” that aren’t written down but still are vital to success in every subject. And they recognize the rules as what they are, so that they can communicate them clearly.

Ordinary humans, without this superpower, can know a subject just as deeply. But they are sincerely surprised when novices can’t see the subject as they do. They are shocked when a novice doesn’t observe a secret rule, because it is so clear to them that they never considered needing to state it.

New teachers: aspire to that superpower. Experienced teachers: know you have it, and use it wisely. Non-teachers: we can all be teachers.