Leadership is in Step 2

The core of leadership is in Step 2.

One of my all-time favorite cartoons is this math-y cartoon by Sidney Harris.

And then a miracle occurs.


But it’s not just math. The secret of great leadership, and the lesson new leaders need to learn, is that leadership happens in step 2.

Leadership isn’t having the great idea. (Step 1)

Leadership isn’t the perfect result. (Step 3)

Leadership is doing the grinding, boring, unseen, time-consuming work connecting Step 1 & Step 3.

Leadership is Step 2.

We can only learn this, perhaps, through failed attempts at leadership – failure to do the work in Step 2 – coupled by an honest look back after Step 3 fails to live up to its promise. All the better to start sooner with stepping into leadership roles, as per yesterday’s post.