Split the Difference

On one end of the spectrum, the diligent Choral Ensemble A looking devotedly, and consistently at their conductor. Whatever emotional expression the singers make, it is directed at their leader.

On the other end, the expressive Choral Ensemble Z, emoting directly at the audience as if they actors, with little or no direct attention made to the ensemble. Their emotional expressions are directed at the audience but at the price of a sense of ensemble that supersedes the individuals.

(We won’t mention the off-the-spectrum choir, emoting directly into their black folders, with tops of heads aimed at their conductor and audience…)

My goal for an ensemble with conductor is to split the difference between A and Z. Individual expression, but not at the expense of a sense of ensemble. Group cohesion and attention to the conductor, but not at the expense of audience connection.

So, between Ensemble A and Ensemble Z, where are your ensembles?