Saying The Quiet Part Out Loud

Saying the quiet part out loud” is a description used for when a politician accidentally speaks their inner monologue, rather than the “official” line. In other words, they are revealing the deep inner motivations for their actions.

You might buy that interpretation of a politician’s actions, and you might not. Either way, in most fields it’s actually a good idea to say the quiet part out loud, at least to yourself.

Look at the work you do. What assumptions do you make? What musical choices do you make for reasons other than the official ones? What is a deep truth of the work you do that you never say out loud?

Particularly in niche fields like choral music, we need to understand our truth, and, actually, say it out loud. This helps us because it makes explicit things that we might not even realize we believe. It helps others because it educates them on the underlying truths of our field.

We all have underlying truths, and we all can take more time to speak them. Out loud.