You have your choir calendar with all the dates set.
What you probably haven’t planned for is the post-concert/festival/event publicity.
Realize, my friends, that local newspaper loves printing stories about great things happening in their community. If you write the articles, add a picture or two, and know the right email to send it to, it’s almost inevitable that it gets published. It’s good news for everyone!
Realize, too, that you can already write 90% of the article you’ll want to publish after the event. The details/achievements might change, but most of what you want to write is already clear.
Do yourself a favor and don’t wait to write the article until after the event – when you’re depleted from the work.
Your assignment is to write the articles now. Maybe pick two or three that you know will be hard in the moment. (I, for example, know that March is a struggle to juggle for me.) Save them in a document, and add a private event reminding you to polish them the day after the concert.
When the time comes, you’ll only have a few minutes work to get a perfect article in the hands of your local newspaper…and in front of the eyes of your community members.