Or Do Both

“We can talk about making a difference, we can make a difference, or we can do both.” – Debbie Millman

That’s the tagline that designer Debbie Millman uses to end her outstanding “Design Matters” podcast, and it’s a good reminder for all of us: particularly educators.

Leadership comes in many forms, and while we look to the leaders who are making a difference, it’s just as important to have leaders who talk about how to make a difference, guiding us down a path. And of course, though some do more of one or more of the other, the most effective leaders do, in fact, do both.

Doing is important. Communicating is important. Communicating about what we are doing can be a great way to increase our reach.

Go take a listen to Design Matters and see what you think. There are many great places to start, but I especially recommend her most recent episode, with Priya Parker, an author and expert in effective gatherings.