Opposite of a Snow Day

I’ve frequently written before about Snow Days, and particularly about how they exist outside the normal day-to-day routine, and as such, are a chance to dream big, try new things, and step back from your grind.

The social distancing so vital to our communal success in slowing the spread of COVID-19 is the opposite of a Snow Day. It is going to last much, much longer than any snow-related break you’ve ever had. It’s going to impact more aspects of your life than a Snow Day possibly could.

And it’s going to be important to establish concrete, reliable routines that keep you moving forward. You’re going to need to establish work time, play time, rest time…all with completely new rhythms and without any familiar triggers.

If you don’t, it will be too easy to develop cabin fever and make bad choices that reduce the effectiveness of the social distancing. Without routines, the days will blur together and your mind will numb. Your boredom will get the better of you.

I’m working on projects and routines for myself and am trying to find projects for my students and for my children. I urge you to do the same.