Opposing Muscles – Standards and Grace

Personal trainers will tell you that if you strengthen one set of muscles but ignore the opposing set, you’re setting yourself up for an injury.

To me, the most important set of opposing emotional “muscles” to strengthen are these: High Standards and Personal Grace.

High Standards are vital to achieving musical excellence. You can raise your standards each time you achieve them, like a pole vaulter raising the bar.

Personal Grace is just as vital. Honoring your effort and not being overly self-critical is vital to getting back up and trying again. I like the mantra “treat myself like I would treat someone I love.”

But Personal Grace without High Standards is a recipe for zero growth or the creation of uninspired, lazy art. It won’t inspire you or anyone else to continue creating.

And High Standards without Personal Grace is a recipe for creative paralysis – when you can’t forgive and move past your shortcomings, you will just stop creating altogether.

Strengthen both, or suffer from a creative injury.