
Different art form, different growth process…

I’m watching “notes” after the final dress rehearsal of our school musical. What I’m most struck with is the way theatrical feedback differs from ensemble rehearsal feedback.

Certainly we do runs of pieces, and as we get closer to the end of the year, work up to the stamina of singing entire sets of music without pause for feedback. But I know of few choirs who do multiple rehearsals of entire concerts without pause, as theatrical productions do. We give our “notes” immediately after we finish a song, or (more often) we stop a song to make a correction.

Compositions generally get relatively little editorial feedback before they’re delivered to a commissioning party; books get multiple rounds of feedback including copyediting and line editing before they ever reach a reader.

What would it look like to adopt a theatrical process with your choir? Or a choral process with your play? A marching band rehearsal process with your ballet? A book editing process with your composition?

The “standard” creative processes have evolved over time in isolation; there is wisdom in all of these processes and it’s worth finding out what value there could be in processes that aren’t native to your art form.