No Tip Jar

For the past 5 or 6 years, I’ve had an annual Tip Jar in which I accepted donations from readers to help support my costs of maintaining the website. Many people were very generous in their encouragement of my writing.

In 2020, I skipped it – it was a time when other people were in far more dire need of support than I, so instead I offered weekly suggestions for where to send financial support to those hardest hit by the pandemic.

Now, in March of 2021 I began my Patreon. Rather than open up a Tip Jar, I ask you to consider joining my Patreon. For monthly support at at the level of your choice, you’ll be helping me write a new work of vocal music every month – sometimes is a vocal jazz arrangement, sometimes an original choral composition. So far I’ve created three pieces that way, and I’m excited to keep going. Your support there will help me prioritize creative exploration – and it comes with the added benefit of access to choral works that can be used by your ensemble.

Thank you for your continued support of me in this writing endeavor! I’m closing in on seven years of uninterrupted writing.

Click here to join me on Patreon