No New Year

Consider these 2019 dates:

January 14 (Orthodox New Year)
February 5 (Chinese New Year)
July 1 (Fiscal New Year)
September 2 (Labor Day – School New Year)
September 29-October 1 (Rosh Hashanah – Jewish New Year)

Those are just the ones I googled in a couple of minutes – not to mention the college semester New Year’s, the annual conference New Year’s, the last day of school New Year’s, the New Year’s that starts on your birthday, etc.

My point is simple: every day is a New Year. Don’t put too much weight in starting a new pattern, a new habit, a new resolution on January 1. There is no new year, they’re all arbitrary.

Every day is a new chance to face the world and do your best. That’s both more and less reassuring, I think; but it has the advantage of being true.

Make resolutions if you must. (Mine, January 1 and every day, is to keep going.)