The New Event Test

Should I add this new event/experience/opportunity to my choir’s calendar? To answer yes, it should have to pass this New Event Test:

Does it enhance the musical education of my students? …or…

Does it enhance the character education of my students? …or…

Does it provide a unique experience my choir is well-placed to offer? …or…

Does it fill a need in the life of the choir and/or community


Does it not overcommit my already overcommitted students? …AND…

Will it get easier the more times I do it? …AND…

Does it either (A) have a source of funding or (B) raise money for the choir? …AND…

Will the joy of doing it outweigh the stress of adding it?


It helps to have objective criteria to use when evaluating new ventures; while yours might be identical, similar, or quite different than the test above…what’s important is that you have some.