More Effective Mini-Practices

The group chat is full of students reporting their 5 minutes of practicing – their personal goals are 5 min X 5 days/week.

Here are five ways to make mini-practices like this more effective.

  1. Don’t try to practice the whole song. Circle spots when you’re in rehearsal, and return to just those spots (4-8 measures, tops) during your mini-practices.
  2. Focus on transitions. It’s easy to be great at each phrase but not at getting from one phrase to another. Try spending a minute or two focusing just on those transitions.
  3. The M&M game. Pick a spot you’re working on and put 5 M&Ms on your right. Each time you sing the phrase correctly, move one M&M to the left. Each time you sing the phrase incorrectly, move all the M&Ms back to the right. When all 5 are on your left, eat them! (Now you’re rewarding consistency.)
  4. Record and listen back. A five-minute practice session can be just as effective if you sing for 2 1/2 minutes and listen to what you sang for the next 2 1/2.
  5. Don’t force yourself to go above and beyond. If your goal is five minutes, don’t force yourself to do 20 or nothing. Aim for manageable and consistent, rather than overachiever and inconsistent.