
Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall – four seasons.

Well, sure. But actually, we have all sorts of mini-seasons. The March day when it hits almost 70, followed closely by the mid-April day when it snows an inch. chilly June mornings and sweltering October afternoons.

The year is made up of over-arching seasons, but within them, lots of smaller seasons that last a week, or only a few days.

And I think that the school year is the same way. You have semesters or trimesters, and we know how they will look overall. But within, you have to adjust – post-Spring-Break feels a certain way, but testing week has a totally different feeling. Spring Concert day or Festival day might always look a certain way, but if scheduling moves by a week, it can completely change the feeling.

Or this: late-winter and early-spring are my most productive writing times, when I can complete lots of projects and find consistent inspiration. But I haven’t written anything in the last two weeks, because of the mini-season of Spring Break and the mini-season of producing a concert for The Real Group.

Once you get a sense of the seasons, can you learn to anticipate, respond to, and enjoy the mini-seasons along the way?