MC3 2022

The early months of the pandemic included making a virtual choir from across the state of the Michigan Choral Commission Consortium performing Z. Randall Stroope’s “I Have Loved Hours at Sea” which we had commissioned that year.

Since then, we’ve had multiple pushbacks, delays, and other problems. That’s why I’m so, so excited to announce the relaunch of MC3 with a focus on Michigan composers!

We have two composers lined up already – Dr. Brandon Waddles (Wayne State University) and Jeffrey Cobb (Northwestern Michigan College). They are both fabulous and celebrate choral musicians and composers, so I’m anticipating wonderful SATB choral works from both of them.

The consortium membership process will remain the same as previous years. Michigan choral organizations – high school, community, college/university, etc. can join for $300. For every 10 members, we will commission another choral work that the consortium will share. If you get your friends to join, the odds are that we might get to increase your benefit at no extra cost!

Please consider joining MC3 in 2022 and tell a friend! Click here to sign up!