MC3 2019

It’s time! All choirs in the state of Michigan are invited to join the Michigan Choral Commission Consortium (MC3) for our 2019 season. (Already ready to join? Click here. Or read on!)

We already have 20 choirs re-registered for this year, and I’m actively working with three composers, with more on the way. For the first time ever, I’m capping the membership at 50 choirs – so get in while you can!

Here’s how it works. Membership in MC3 costs $300. For that membership you get joint-commissioning rights to every piece MC3 commissions that year. You can perform each piece in concert, at festival, etc. and will have your choir’s name included in each score.

How Many Pieces?

Well, that depends on you. MC3 will commission one choral work for every 10 choirs in the consortium. In 2018, that meant we commissioned three works, from Andrea Ramsey, Sean Ivory, and Rollo Dilworth.

This year, we’ve already got Z. Randall Stroope and Stacey Gibbs on board, and I’m hoping to get a third commission nailed down soon.

For the membership cost, you’re helping create great new choral music for less than you’d spend buying new octavos for your choir. It’s a win for everyone! Plus, your value increases when other choirs also join. If we reach our max of 50 choirs, we will be commissioning 5 pieces – $60 per piece.

Other benefits?

The main benefit is the music, of course, but we also were able to get custom greeting/introduction videos from composers last year. I’m really hoping to facilitate some MC3 Meetups this year, too – collaborative concerts celebrating the pieces we’ve commissioned together. Composers in the past have been very receptive to hearing from participating ensembles, including offering feedback on their interpretations, via email or videoconference.

How Do I Join?

Easy – just fill out this quick form. From there, you’ll receive an invoice, and then start receiving scores in the late summer/early fall.

Here are few quotes from MC3 2018 participants:

“Love what we were sent, absolutely love it!”

“I’m so thankful to be a part of this group.”

“Loved all three pieces, gorgeous and attainable for my choirs!”