
The best Thanksgiving dinners aren’t cooked on Thursdays.

If you want a truly out-of-this-world Thanksgiving dinner, you need to start prepping a week ahead. Select the recipes, buy the groceries, and prepare recipes as early as possible. Make the pies on Monday or Tuesday!

Of course tomorrow, Thanksgiving, will be a day of cooking for me and you and everyone else. But it’s made much more successful if you’ve spread out the work over more than just the one day. There is a adrenaline-based thrill to doing it all in one day, but there’s a lot more chance for nuance and fun if you plan farther ahead.

This, of course, is true for choirs too. I’ve sung in choirs in which the week of the concert was spent learning notes, memorizing words, or drilling new tap dancing combinations. (Yes, I have some show choir in my history…)

But while there is exhilaration in the push to be ready for the concert, there is much more joy for you and your singers to be well-prepared well in advance.