Live Concert Reminder

It’s easy to forget the power of great live music.

Listening to pristine studio recordings is great – I love listening to records. But it’s something else to be present, when a truly special group of musicians share their art.

There are two factors that have conspired to help me lose sight of this. One is the reality of making lots of concerts with student musicians. Even at their most transcendent (and I am lucky enough to make some pretty special music with my students), these are learning performances. It’s a different trajectory.

The second one is the pandemic, which has made the opportunity to hear great music live rare and special.

I heard the best concert I’ve heard in close to two years last night and it’s buoying my soul, plain and simple. Thanks to Säje for reminding me of what great music, heard live, can do. Their music is transcendent, wholehearted, and so beautifully performed. It’s a revelation.

It makes me want to devote more time to hearing live music – it’s a sacrifice worth making.