Lean Into Imposter Syndrome

Imposter syndrome seems to be a common ailment these days: the sense that your accomplishments are fraudulent and that any minute you’ll be discovered for the imposter you actually are.

The natural reaction to imposter syndrome is to back up: remove yourself from the sensation of fraudulence and return to safe ground where you won’t be found out.

But feeling like an imposter most often happens when you’re trying something new or stretching yourself in some way. Sure, you might not always succeed, and you might not be perfectly prepared for the challenge–but the only way to grow is through stretching beyond what you already do.

So I’m resolving to use the sensation of imposter syndrome as a clue that I’m pushing myself in a positive way. In that way, it can be a compass to show me where north is.

I’m resolving to lean into imposter syndrome, not away from it.