I woke up thinking about how much I like a nice spicy chai latte.
The top layer is the most delicious foam – cinnamony and gingery with a hint of cardamom. It’s almost like tasting a pumpkin-spice cloud.
But I wouldn’t enjoy a mug filled entirely with spiced foam. It needs to be in balance with the creamy hot tea underneath.
Can we talk about concert programming for a minute? A lot of programs I see tend to fill an entire concert with the musical equivalent of latte foam. Tasty in small doses, but no real nutritional value.
(It is rarer, but still real, to insist that instead of a spiced chai latte, the choral program must be nothing but Brussels sprouts.)
It’s the balance that makes the drink magical. And it’s that balance that makes a choral program fun, interesting, engaging, and satisfying.