Is This Me?

Part of being a young person is asking a lot, “Is this me?”

You try on a way of being, or an activity, a club, a sport. You try it long enough to not be absolutely green, and then you as, “Is this me?” Part of the reason we have such a range of subject matter available and required in high school is so that every student has ample opportunity to try them and ask, “Is this me?” (We are also able to ask the question without trying things: I never had to smoke to know it wasn’t me; I never had play football.

As we get older, we get fewer and fewer chances to ask the question. We don’t need to say, “Is this me?” as often because we know better who we are. But it’s worthwhile to try totally new things occasionally, and then to reflect on the experience and ask the question again.

First, because it gives us the chance to grow, change, and have new experiences. But second, and almost as important, is because it allows us to maintain our empathy and patient support for the young people in our lives – our own children, our students – who are asking, “Is this me?” all the time.

It’s a stressful, difficult question to answer, and if you haven’t had the need to ask it recently, give yourself the chance!