Inspiring Women Musicians

Here are a few currently working musicians inspiring me and influence my work. These women are singers, composers, arrangers, conductors – and often more than one of those.

This is a just partial list of the extraordinary women artists who have affected me. I celebrate them and many others for their creativity, their brilliance, and their influence on so many artists.

If you are looking for a musical way to celebrate International Women’s Day, all of the artist above have music you can buy. Let me highlight three recent releases:

Mirabai: Ecstatic Songs (Sandra Snow, Artistic Director) – I heard their debut performance, from which this album derives – and I was, well, ecstatic about it.

Alice Parker: Heavenly Hurt (poems by Emily Dickinson) – Alice recorded this collection of her settings of Emily’s poems and released it last year. Alice gets Emily.

Sunny Wilkinson: Into The Light – A just-released new recording from this wonderful, expressive jazz singer. You won’t be disappointed.