
A friend on Facebook posed this question:

Why is The Real Group such an extremely good vocal group?
The technically best singers with the biggest vocal range?…Nope! 
So why are they the best? Discuss! Go!

My response:

It’s a package of so many things:

  • -Great writing (my group is working on “The Grass Grows Greener” right now – find Bach-level attention to details of contrary motion, voice leading, etc.)
  • Great human beings. Like, better humans than they are vocalists.
  • Valuing rehearsal: the idea that they take their work between performances just as seriously (and this is something that I think is more possible in a country like Sweden…not to get political!)
  • I think you can’t overestimate the early work they did at the Academy…when you hear them talk about the *study* they put into being an effective group before they ever gave a major performance. Founding member Peder Karlsson spoke about this in a great long-form interview.
  • Being in the moment in performance – so free and reactive to the music and each other.
  • Respect for each other. Both onstage and off.

But my most important takeaway from them: live your lives, both professionally and personally, with deep humanity.

Deep humanity isn’t enough to make you the best vocal group in the world; but without it, you’ll never get there.