How To Learn a New Game

Reading the instructions is the worst way to learn a new game.

Way better is when the game maker creates a 4 minute video that teaches the game to you: it’s more engaging, interactive, and concise.

But better still is to learn it from a veteran who knows the game well.

It’s the board game equivalent of an oral tradition, and it comes with significant advantages, especially with more complex games. The veteran is confident in the rules, so the play moves faster. The veteran is generally enthusiastic about the game, which is contagious. The veteran knows the pitfalls and challenges, so they can help newbies avoid them.

In short, if the veteran has any leadership skills, they make learning the game fast, fun, and painless.

To me, reading the instructions is learning music at home, by yourself.

Watching an instructional video is being led by a good conductor.

Learning from a veteran is when music is shared from one singer to another. It’s magical.