Growth Goals

We’re in the midst of a run of three Collage Concert performance in which my ensemble, the Aces, sing two pieces. They’ve already performed the pieces at the choir Holiday Concert and at a runout concert, so they’re becoming increasingly confident and polished.

One blessing of the too-many-concert weeks that many choirs have in December is that we can find ways to grow as we cycle through the same repertoire in performance multiple times. With that in mind, I introduced the concept of Growth Goals in a note this morning. I began with praise for their fine performance last night, and then offered three things we could set as Growth Goals in the two performances tonights.

I made sure that these Growth Goals were positive, and were things we had discussed in rehearsal. The goals are significant and tended towards increased individual ownership of music-making and performance.

And I wrapped up with an invitation:

Feel free to add your own Growth Goals for tonight, keeping in mind that they should be worded always positively. (I wish I didn’t have to say this, but past experience tells me that opening this door can lead smart singers to be really down on themselves.)

It’s important as educators to strike the right balance between recognizing the constant of growth but also maintaining positivity and praise for the things are choirs are doing well. Perhaps Growth Goals are a tool we can use to find that balance.