Fussing With The Bow

How do you know when a project’s ready to ship? For me, it’s when I realize I’m fussing with the bow.

What’s fussing with the bow? It’s having a wrapped present with a beautiful bow tied on that is ready to give…only just a little twist of this loop of the ribbon…and maybe tug a little on this end…and a slight adjustment here…and a bit there.

No project is ever completely “perfect” but there’s a moment when the work is no longer substantive improvements but subjective “tweaks.” And at that point, you’re no longer doing the work, you’re postponing being done.

So there’s a moment when I realize I’m fussing with the bow; if I’m diligent, that’s the moment I ship it out the door and move on to the next things.

(In other news…book goes to print tomorrow!)