Friendly Discerning Ear

I can’t emphasize enough how valuable it is to have a friendly discerning ear as you compose.

If you can find a professional with deep discernment to give you some time as you write, you save yourself from the struggle of being too close to the work to really hear it. Your friend can tell you, objectively, what works well and where the clunkers are.

It’s not easy – staying present for criticism while you are actively creating can be an ego challenge – but with effort you can reap enormous benefits.

I’m lucky enough to be married to one of the most discerning musicians I know, capable of giving me priceless feedback, bar by bar. It’s the only way I could have completed the commission I am sending off today.

If you’re not so lucky, then begin by cultivating those relationships and welcoming (and accepting) their feedback, both positive and constructive. Your writing will be better for it.