For the Love of Music

What motivates busy adults with lives, families, and too many commitments (we all have too many commitments) to spend 10 hours in rehearsal, plus three performances, all in the space of two weeks?

They do it for the love of music. Because they feel better, even if more tired, when they can carve time for music-making. We professionals, living in music 168 hours a week, are apt to forget just how big a rush it can be when you get to spend a couple of hours singing or playing with other passionate musicians.

I’ve been privileged to remember this this week as I’ve gotten to work with a new group of singers on a short-term project. And it’s a reminder I needed in the midst of the long slog of winter rehearsals, festivals, etc.

It’s also a message we all need to pass on to our students more often:

Take a moment to notice how making music makes you feel. That is a feeling you should keep pursuing and experiencing, for your whole life.