First Rehearsal Pace

First rehearsal is around the corner for many choral ensembles. One of the most important things you can do in that rehearsal is establish pace.

The pace of your rehearsal is primarily determined by the amount of time it takes to go from one musical moment to the next. Part of that interstitial time is the conductor, offering instruction, guidance, or direction. Part of that time is determined by how long the ensemble to be ready to sing again.

This can vary widely.

At first rehearsals, we have the opportunity to establish norms for the season, and we unfortunately will have a much harder time adjusting those as we get further into the rehearsal schedule.

So, as you prepare for your first rehearsal, set the goal of moving as quickly as possible between musical moments in rehearsal. And remind yourself often that the ensemble will adjust to the pace you set–so cut no slack, particularly in the first rehearsal, if your singers want more time before they start singing than you want to give.

Countoff and go. Countoff and go. Countoff and go. They will learn and adjust, and your ensemble rehearsals will dramatically increase in efficiency.