Every Day Is Easier

I couldn’t publish a weekly blog post. Every day is easier.

Every day is easier, because I know that every day, I plan to publish something. There’s no “close enough”, as there would be with a weekly post. There’s either I published today, or I didn’t. And once you get a long enough streak, there’s only “I always have published, so I will today, too.”

This is true of almost anything – make it every day, and it gets more consistent. Whether you’re talking about brushing your teeth, practicing piano, reading good novels, or balancing your checkbook…doing it every day is easier than intending to do it every week or every month.

I recently watched a great conversation with Phil Mattson and Michele Weir, and Phil indicated that there was a formative time for him when, regardless of what else was going on in his life, he didn’t go to sleep until he had practiced piano for three hours. Every day.

If there’s a skill you’re trying to build, a project you’re trying to finish, a habit you’re trying to form – consider whether you’ve figured out how to make it an everyday thing. Because every day is easier.